Welcome, Hawaiian!

If this is your first army you have been in, we recommend you read the whole page.

Welcome to the Hawaiians of Club Penguin. This page contains everything you need to know about our army. If you still have questions, feel free to contact a owner or leader on chat to help you.

Who are we?

The Hawaiians of Club Penguin is a Club Penguin group/army that promotes fun in a very safe environment. People all ages, all around the world come to our army. You can meet new friends, have epic battles, and have LOTS of fun! Our goal is to have all penguins to have fun in Club Penguin.

How to join

If you want to join us, just go on or click on JOIN. Fill out the form on the page and we will add you to our ranks. Everyone gets accepted, there is no rejections. After you have filled everything out, you will need to go on our chat where we communicate with other soldiers. Our chat is or just click on CHAT.

Am I safe?

Yes, you are safe. Our staff makes sure we only have child-friendly information on the site and chat. We have moderators monitoring the chat 24/7. We will never discriminate, harass, or insult you. Swearing is never allowed in our chat, and if someone does, they will most likely get banned or warned. If parts of the site is inappropriate or unnecessary we will censor the material, which means we cover up or remove parts of the material. If you still have questions, feel free to ask our moderators and owners.

Time Zones

If you are confused about time zones please read below.

PST = Pacific Standard Timezone/Penguin Standard Time

MST = Mountain Standard Timezone

CST = Central Standard Timezone

EST = Eastern Standard Timezone

UK = United Kingdom Timezone (GMT +1)

PST is one hour behind MST

MST is one hour behind CST

CST is one hour behind EST

EST is five hours behind UK (GMT +1)


Many soldiers find themselves confused on what they are supposed to do in battle. This section is extremely important so please read it thoroughly.

If you are new to armies or HCP, battles can be confusing and you can find yourself lost on what to do. This page was made to help troops understand ‘tactics’ and what they should do when in battle! Read on to find some great tips and instructions on tactics and basic army etiquette.


Emotes are generally used in lines or to bomb (Bombing is when you run around doing a tactic/word). In order to do emotes, we tell you to press 2 letters/numbers on Club Penguin. Below we will tell you what those numbers/letters do.



  • The chatbar line is a line across right above the blue box/chat box you type in.
  • The horizontal line is a line across.
  • The vertical line is a line that goes from the top and ends at the bottom.
  • The circle is when you form a circle with your soldiers.
  • The backwards L is when you form a L but backwards.
  • A diagonal line is a line that goes top left to bottom right or top right to bottom left.
  • The L line is when you form a L with your soldiers
  • The X line is when you form two diagonal lines (bottom right to top right and top right to bottom left) and you combine them to make a X.
  • The triangle line is when you make a triangle with your fellow soldiers


  • Normal bomb – when you run anywhere saying an emote/word
  • Waterfall bomb – when you run straight up and down saying an emote/word
  • Rake bomb – when you run left and right saying an emote/word